Monday, February 3, 2025

Agatha Christie Short Stories 2025: FEBRUARY #AgathaChristieSS25

For February, we will be reading one Miss Marple's story, and the other with no detective. 
You can find the complete reading list here, and please submit link to your reviews of this months' stories on the comment section of this post. Happy reading!


First published in 1932, this was the first story in Miss Marple's The Thirteen Problems. It was the first meeting of the newly formed Tuesday Night Club, where each must tell a mystery, and they would discuss as a group. It opens with Sir Henry's story. Three people were poisoned at dinner, but only one has died.
The story was first published in a collection in June 1934, under The Listerdale Mystery. It was not published in the US until the 1971 collection The Golden Ball and Other Stories. This was also the first story in the collection. Down on her luck and living with family in a boarding house, Mrs St Vincent comes across an advert to rent a beautiful house with a benevolent landlord.


  1. Here is my short review of The Listerdale Mystery. If I had read your introduction, I would not have run into the problem I mention:

  2. I have just discovered your Agatha Christie Short Stories 2025 read along and I am joining in. I havealready reviewed "The Tuesday Night Club" on my blog in 2023. So this month I am reviewing "The Listerdale Mystery."

    The link to my review is here:


What do you think?