Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Paris Virtual Walks to Wrap Up #ParisInJuly2024

A French Frye in Paris
is a YouTube channel belongs to a New Yorker guy now living in Paris called Corey Frye. He is now a full time tour guide and photographer. These walks in Paris are a weekly Facebook Live videos, archived in this YouTube channel.

My first introduction to Frye's virtual tour was Montmartre in Bloom. I loved to find little hidden gems like this patch of flowers tucked up somewhere around Montmartre, for instance. As a photographer, Frye has a keen eye of beauty and proportion, and thus his videos are usually very nice to watch.

My next virtual walks are all in the park, garden, or just a little hidden green space that is hushed up from Paris' noise.

🌱 Springtime in the Jardin des Plantes

🌱 Autumn Bike Ride in Vincennes

🌱 Hidden Garden Walks

- La Coulée Verte
- a green space near Place de la Bastile

With these (virtual) walks, I - reluctantly - say goodbye to #ParisInJuly2024. Huge thanks to Emma @ Words and Peace to host this fabulous event!

My contributions:

Book reviews:
--click the titles to go to my review--
📚 Perestroika in Paris (Jane Smiley)

Movie review
--click the title to go to my review--

Music & Travel
--click the link to go to my post--
🎵 The Daily Francophile Playlist
🚶🏻‍♀️Virtual Walks in Paris (+Wrap Up)

I have enjoyed every moment of my journey to Paris (and other regions in France), but for now, I must say... Au Revoir!


  1. Yes, it’s been a good month! Lots of books. I love walking in Paris.
    best, mae at

  2. Thanks for all your contributions.
    I love those walking videos!

  3. Wonderful videos! Love the idea of that "French Frye" channel. XD


What do you think?