I'm going to join another project for classics reading. This one is called A Victorian Celebration, hosted by Allie from A Literary Odyssey. During June and July 2012 we will read as much Victorian theme books as we could. So, after considering my reading schedule and my Classic Club Project, these are what I plan to read for Victorian Celebration:
Sketches by Boz - Charles Dickens
Charles Dickens: Dickens Bicentenary 2012 - Lucinda Dickens Hawksley
The Old Curiosity Shop - Charles Dickens
Twenty Years After - Alexandre Dumas
Short Stories:
The Three Strangers - Thomas Hardy
A Terribly Strange Bed - Wilkie Collins
The Half-Brothers - Elizabeth Gaskell
The Three Strangers - Thomas Hardy
A Terribly Strange Bed - Wilkie Collins
The Half-Brothers - Elizabeth Gaskell
Wah Mbak kalau liat proyek bacanya Mbak Fanda pengennya ngikutin semua... apalagi aku suka banget sama karya klasik dan Victorian... cuma sayangnya bacanya yang suka tapi review-nya itu yang males :D
ReplyDeleteJadi, enaknya ikut nggay ya :P
Ikut aja Van..justru biar makin semangat bikin review. Gak usah panjang2, cukup share opinimu ttg buku yg kamu baca aja