Friday, August 18, 2023

Book Tag: I'll Get Around to It Later

I saw this book tag @ Golden Age of Detective Fiction the other day, and decided to do it for fun. The creator has posted this in 2022, but it's still relevant any time, so, why not?

The rules
  • Link back to the original post–this one right here!–so the creator can read your answers and support you.
  • Link back to the post of the person who tagged you and thank them.
  • You may use the included graphic anywhere in your post, but you don’t have to.
  • Fill all seven categories.
  • You can either leave this tag open so anyone can do it or tag up to seven people.

The categories

πŸ“š A classic book that you have been meaning to read forever but haven’t yet
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley - There's many of these, actually, all is waiting for me to take on. Be patient dear books, I'm just waiting a good reason to pick you next. Maybe next Classics Spin will do?

πŸ“š A book on your shelf that you haven’t read yet
Angela's Ashes by Frank McCourt - I almost forgot I own this. Must get to it sometime next year! And I need to sort my TBR out, who knows what gems I might find there!

πŸ“š A book that you got recently that you haven’t read
The Blue Sky by Galsan Tschinag - I featured this book in Blogger-Inspired Wishlist Ep. 6, and have actually bought a copy instantly, but then a sad thing came my way, and I didn't think I'd have the energy to read a sad book, no matter how inspiring or hopeful it is. So, for now, I really need to keep it back on the TBR pile.

πŸ“š A book that you’ve had forever but haven’t read
Casino Royale by Ian Fleming - I think I might have saved this one for too long, and now I'm just not interested anymore. Shame on me, I know! 

πŸ“š A book a friend recommended that you haven’t read
Middlemarch by George Eliot - more than one friend recommended this actually, but it's just not the right time (is there ever a right time? I don't know.. I just don't think I'd be able to tackle that mammoth task of reading it at present).

πŸ“š A book you’re procrastinating on
The Man Who Died Twice by Richard Osman - I have bought the book, and I've been excited to read this second book of the series after enjoying the first so much, so why do I keep procrastinating? Can I use that excuse of "not the right time" once more?...

πŸ“š The next book on your TBR
Mrs. Harris Goes to Moscow by Paul Galico - I've just "found" this book among my e-book shelf the other day, thanks to Shelf Control meme, and this time I MUST get to read it!

Want to play along? Just consider yourself tagged!


  1. Fun meme! Okay, let's get right to it--Middlemarch is in my top 5 favorite novels of all time. I know it seems daunting, but you can really break it into chuncks and take a break between parts. In fact, I like that approach to reading big books because I like to have a few books going at a time.

    I know what you mean about Casino Royale! Sometimes I look at my TBR shelves and wonder why some of those books are even there :)

    Frankenstein is interesting--I was disappointed initially, but I have ended up thinking about it a lot since I read it a few years ago, and I can appreciate what a ground breaking work it was.

    1. Agree with your method of reading big books by breaking it into small chunks with break between parts. The main problem for me right now is I can't do analytical reading. And to give credit to such book as Middlemarch, I can't just "read" it. What I need right now is escapism reading, which crime fiction do perfectly. That's why I'm taking a little break from classics. But thanks for sharing your method, I'll save it for when I'm ready to tackle more engaging classics! :)

  2. Another fun tag! And one I just might do, too. :D
    (And I'm a big fan of Middlemarch, too. It's my favorite George Eliot book.)

  3. Fun tag!
    I have only read Angela's Ashes, really good.
    I was impressed by Gallico, with another book: The Snow Goose

    1. After completing all Mrs Harris series, I think The Snow Goose would be my next Gallico.


What do you think?