Wednesday, June 28, 2023

I'm Joining: British Crime Classics Challenge 2023

I have been a crime/mystery fiction aficionado since I was in junior high school. It all began with Enid Blyton’s, and continued with Agatha Christie’s. Until very recently I mostly read Christie's books - I am even working on an Agatha Christie Perpetual Reading Challenge; re-reading her novels. But this year I'm intending to read most of the rest of the Golden Age era books, as well as modern cozy mystery.

And that's why I'm very excited when Rekha from The Book Decoder announced that British Crime Classics Challenge 2023 will start next month! It will be a good opportunity for me to explore more of the Golden Age Detective writers.

The Rules:
  1. Books must be written by a British Author
    NOTE: books by Brit author moved to other countries post birth/author born to Brit parents or during British rule are allowed
  2. Books must be published on or before 1965
    NOTE: reprints are allowed

My plans:

  • Reading at least 6 books (most probably more 😏) from July to December 2023.
  • Doing the Bingo (yes, there is a bingo card to spice the challenge up!).
  • Working with Monthly Themes whenever possible.

I will add books I read for this challenge here, with link to the reviews. And this will serve as my Master List:

1. Evil Under the Sun (Agatha Christie) - BINGO: Set on an Island
2. Heads You Lose (Christianna Brand) - BINGO: Closed Circle of Suspects
3. The Pleasure Cruise Mystery (Robin Forsythe) - BINGO: Mystery Set on Boat/Ship
4. The 12.30 from Croydon (Freeman Wills Croft) - BINGO: Death on Board: Aircraft
5. Murder in the Mill-Race (E.C.R. Lorac) - BINGO: Death by Drowning
6. The Body in the Library (Agatha Christie) - BINGO: Re-Read
7. The Crooked Wreath (Christianna Brand) - BINGO: Locked Room Mystery

The Bingo Card, I’m aiming for the 5x5 (will keep updating along the way):

If you're interested to participate, just go over to Rekha's post.



  1. I'm definitely also participating in this. Not sure about the Bingo yet, though I do want to give it a try, but I think like you I will probably be reading more than 6 :)

    1. Do try the Bingo! The search of books that fit the theme is part of the fun! ;)

  2. I should think about signing up for this, because of course I will read at least a few British crime classics!

    1. This challenge will be all fun! Can't wait to see what you'll be reading, Reese! ;)


What do you think?