Monday, August 12, 2024

Blue Hawk (2024) by Chloe Turner

Thanks to Deixis Press and NetGalley for providing me review copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

💙 Blue Hawk is Chloe Turner's debut novel - and such a brilliant debut! It's a historical fiction depicting the world of clothier in the 17th century. Our heroine is Joan, a weaver's daughter in Gloucestershire. Her father is a drunken dreamer, who ruined his dyeing business and almost brought his family to poverty, if Joan hadn't stepped up as its new captain.

💙 It sounds like many other businesses in modern time, but in 17th century, a tradeswoman, especially in clothier business, was almost unheard of. It's men's world, and with struggles had Joan gained respect from these men. She's fortunate to get acquainted to a widow, who's been assisting a dyer, and therefore understood enough of the art. From her, Joan learned the art of dyeing; the process of creating beautiful colors from plants and minerals, which she was fascinated with. Combining the two lines, weaving and dyeing, would create a new success in the business. Could Joan achieve her dream and thrive in the world hitherto was dominated by men?

💙 Joan's main obstruction actually came from inside the family. One is her beautiful but envious, shallow minded sister Alice; the other is, surprisingly-but maybe not, considering the era-her husband, the kind, loving proud young man who belittled Joan's opinion and talent. Between these two, they almost crushed Joan's spirit and made her just another stay-at-home mother and housewife, just like many women of her age.

💙 I was amazed at the fact that this is a debut novel. Turner's depiction of Gloucestershire seemed to transport me back to that era, and I felt like living amongst those people, watching with fascination how the colors of Joan's cloth turned like a magician's work. Feeling too every joy and sorrow, struggles and triumphs of her life. It is a wonderful journey of a woman's struggles in the men's world, it is also an insightful story of family, jealousy, pettiness, and friendship. All is beautifully written and thoroughly well researched.

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐1/2

**Blue Hawk was published in 17 July 2024**


  1. This is a new to me author but sounds a very good read. I don't think I've read anything set amidst the cloth/dyeing business either, not in any time period.

    1. I hadn't either (read about dyeing business). In fact, it fascinated me rather more than the story itself.


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