Monday, August 5, 2024

#MurderEveryMonday: Cover with Items of Clothing in the Title

Murder Every Monday was created by Kate @ Crossexamining Crime and @ArmchairSleuth. Put simply, the plan is for readers to take a photo of a crime fiction book (novel or short story collection) which meets a given week’s theme criteria and to then share it online, using the hashtag #MurderEveryMonday.

I'm having great fun with this week's theme, there're so many titles to chose from. Here's my offer:

Cover for a mystery with an item of clothing in the title

Have your read any of them? Which cover(s) do you like most?

If you want to participate, here's the list of the weekly theme.


  1. You found so many great titles and covers for this week's prompt! I love it. :D

    1. I didn't realize there are so many murder mysteries related to clothing items! :D

  2. Hi Lisa... don't remember linking to your blog, but you're welcome anyway! :)


What do you think?