Friday, August 23, 2024

Under the Tonto Rim (1925) by Zane Grey

🌳 Lucy Watson is a welfare worker who was assigned by the government to teach home and social skills to the mountainous backwoods families in the forest under the Rim Rock in South West. A city girl, Lucy is an orphan, and a sister is all she has in the world. Her rebellious sister Clara had eloped with a young man years before. Now all alone in the world, Lucy is determined to impart household skills and social etiquette the these simple backwoods people, to make their lives better. Would she be able to achieve her ambition?

🌳 Lucy's first obstacle is the backwoods young men - the wild and rugged of them - or so people, with whom she met before arriving at her destination, warned her. They predicted that one of them would soon marry Lucy before she finishes her job, just like few teachers before her. The young men's leader seems to be Edd Denmeade, the elder of the Denmeades' offspring, in whose family Lucy would work first. This adds to Lucy's apprehension.

🌳 This is neither a pure western world with gunshots and actions, nor adventure novel I've expected it to be. Rather, it's a romance, glorifying the power of nature and love. Lucy soon discovers, that when her 'pupils' have benefited from her guidance, she, too, has gained a lot more. First, that these people, some of them at least, show higher moral standard than city people. Second, Lucy learns the strength and comfort from the forest - its tree, its streams, its foliage and bush.

"She [Lucy] found out presently, that going into the forest was a source of comfort. When there seemed no comfort she went to the lonely solitude of trees and bush, of green coverts and fragrant wild dolls, and always she was soothed, sustained. She could not understand why, but it was so. She began to prolong the hours spent in the woods, under a looming canyon wall, or beside a densely foliaged gorge from which floated up the drowsy murmur of stream. All that the wild forest land consisted of passed into her innermost being."

🌳 You might imagine this book is a bit boring. It is not. Especially when Clara, the "lost" sister sent an appeal to come and live with Lucy. She comes in pale and dejected condition, but the woods and it's simple backwoods people soon mend her health, both physically and mentally. Unfortunately, the dark past follows her even into the woods, and its consequences is about to change her, Lucy, and the Denmeades' lives forever.

🌳 I was completely charmed by Grey's comforting prose and his minute description of the woods and nature elements. I felt like I was in the deep of woods with Lucy, every senses in me quiver with excitement as I experienced everything myself. If you ever need to escape in a book, this one will satisfy you!

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐1/2

1 comment:

  1. I inherited a massive set of Zane Grey novels from my grandfather when my grandmother moved into a care home but I gave them away as I had nowhere to store them. Maybe I should have kept and read at least one!


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