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Woman in the Forest by Ion Andreescu (1880) |
"When you reread a classic you do not see more in the book than you did before; you see more in you than there was before." — Clifton Fadiman
Monday, January 30, 2023
The Pine Planters: Marty South's Reverie - A Poem by Thomas Hardy
Friday, January 27, 2023
The Woodlanders by Thomas Hardy: A Review (CC Spin #32)
π³ Because I love nature, it's only natural that I tend to be attracted to books where nature poses as dominant aspect. The Woodlanders falls into this category, and that's why I loved it!
π³ I was drawn, particularly, to the simple life of the woodlanders; their occupation, their view of life, and their intimate relation with mother nature. I was also interested in the spars making craft (I didn't know what a spar is until I googled it). And that was, actually, how we were first introduced to this book: a simple nineteen year old girl, Marty South, making spars in the dead of the night to get paid in the morning. That's how woodlanders had lived, and, but for some influences from "outsiders", they would all live contentedly. And that's what this book is about - greediness and ambition which wrecked the beautiful balance of natural life in a woodland village: Little Hintock.
π³ As I have analyzed before, I see Marty South as the centre of this story. She is reserved, calm, hardworking, and possesses enough skill for improving her life. Then the outsiders' unnatural greediness or ambition starts to shake her world. First, Marty must sacrifice her luscious long hair to be sold for money, just because Mrs. Charmond, a rich widow with many lovers, wants to have it as a wig!
π³ The hair symbolizes Marty's femininity. Without it, she loses hope of ever attracting Giles Winterborne, a woodsman whom she loves, though unrequitedly. Giles is in love with another: Grace Melbury, who has been "promised" to him by her father.
π³ The ambitious Mr. Melbury had sent his only daughter Grace to be educated abroad to improve her future. He takes back his promise to Winterborne, as he thinks her daughter should marry higher than a mere woodsman. A young doctor called Fitzpiers, who is charmed by Grace, is the one Mr. Melbury believes as a more suitable husband for Grace.
π³ What about Grace herself? It is interesting to see how she'd view the woodland after returning from abroad. Would she be contented with her old life (and lover), or would she view them as flat and boring, seeking more refined, more amusing life and husband? It was amusing to see her blundering through her choices, in Hardy's universe, which was always ruled by chances, bad timing, and errors. Could Grace escape it all unscathed? But more importantly, how would she re-shape the life of those who are truer woodlanders?
π³ Hardy himself had classified this novel in the group of "Novels of Character and Environment" [source: wikipedia]. And I agree. The Woodlanders is about clashes between classes and different environments, poor marriage, adultery, wrong choices. It's not a cheerful story, but it's Hardy, you can't expect nothing more, right? But no worry, Hardy compensated the gloomy plot with his rustic settings of the woodland and his usual beautiful narration. And also, with one of the strongest 'heroines' I've ever read.
Rating: 4,5 / 5
Further reads on The Woodlanders:
- Character analysis of Marty South
- Book cover art analysis
- Hardy's poem on Marty South
Wednesday, January 25, 2023
The Affair at Grover Station by Willa Cather: A Short Story #WCSSP2023
π΅ It is a story within story, or a frame story. A geologist met his college friend, a railroad clerk. Boarding on the train from Grover Station to Cheyenne, the geologist asked his reticent friend, "Terrapin" Rodgers (Terrapin = freshwater turtle = reticent), to tell a story about the mysterious murder of the Grover station agent.
About Grover:
"You know what Grover is, a red box of a station, section house barricaded by coal sheds and a little group of dwellings at the end of everything, with the desert running out on every side to the sky line."
π΅ Larry, the victim, is
Rodgers' intimate friend. He promised to come to the inaugural ball at
Cheyenne, and dance with a girl he loved: Helen Masterson. He will take an
extra (train) from Grover station right after his work's done. The ball started
and finished, but Larry never appeared.
π΅ Feeling uneasy, Rodgers
came to Grover Station, and there's no sign of Larry, either at the office or
every train started from Grover last night. He's no where to be found.
π΅ Rodgers got info from a
girl, who'd seen a stranger meeting Larry on that fatal night at Larry's
office, and seemed to quarrel with him. From the girl's description, Rodgers
felt sure that the man is Freymark.
π΅ Freymark is portrayed
as a shady character. He has involved in a shady business when he's the
railroad chasier clerk in Cheyenne, and it was Larry who's given him up,
resulted in his discharge, and Larry took over the position. Moreover, Freymark
was in love with Helen, but Helen chose Larry instead. On that fatal night, he
also overheard Larry's plan which he's dictated over the radio to Rodgers.
Therefore, there's no question that Freymark has had something to do with
Larry's disappearance. But, where was Larry, and what had really happened?
π΅ Rodgers stayed the
night at the station office that night, when lo and behold... Larry appeared in
an apparition, giving his friend clues of the real event!
π΅ An inaugural ball, a
dance, a murder, and a ghost, all happens in a lonely small town, surely
promise an interesting story. And it is interesting! But what interest me most
is not that. It is the racism shade in this story.
π΅ Freymark is a
mix-raced, his father is French, his mother Chinese. He's "socially ambitious
and extremely sensitive of his Asiatic blood after having been blackballed at a
club." He then went to Europe and let people assume him as Jewish. At the
inaugural ball, Larry's wounded dog entered the hall, threw himself at
Freymark's feet and uttered a piteous howl. At this, Freymark was madly enraged
and cruelly kicked the wounded brute across the hall. The way Rodgers describe
the incident isn't something that I can easily forget:
"There was something
fiendishly brutal and horrible in the episode, it was the breaking out of the
barbarian blood through his mask of European civilization, a jet of black mud
that spurted up from some nameless pest hole of filthy heathen cities."
π΅ Now, when faced with
racism remarks or allusions in a book, I'm never sure whether it's the writer's
personal view, or whether he/she is criticizing society racism views through
the characters. Therefore, I won't jump quickly to the conclusion that Cather
is a racist, but I found the passage really unsettling. It's not a mere
generalization of a race (which ignorance could lead a writer to write
innocently about). But to me "some nameless pest hole of filthy heathen
cities" sounds full of hatred.
π΅ Again, I'm not sure
it's Cather's personal view of Chinese race, but to include such hatred in her
hitherto comforting books is quite shocking to me. In short, the racism has
marred my enjoyment of the story, and I truly hope to be back to Cather's usual
quality in next month's short story!
Rating: 3 / 5
Tuesday, January 24, 2023
Top Ten Tuesday: New-to-Me Authors I Discovered in 2022
Have you read any books from those authors? Who's your favorite, and which book do you think I should read next?
Sunday, January 22, 2023
Signing Up for Another Challenge: 2023 Audiobook Challenge!
A few weeks ago, I’ve had my eyes checked by the optician, and I got a prescription for new lenses. It means that I was without glasses for 24 hours while they were replacing the lenses. This was not the first time, so I knew the procedure. Still, I can’t think of not reading anything, that in the end I decided to just try on an audiobook that I’ve been putting off long enough.
I installed Scribd app on my phone, and browsing the titles, I found a lot of Agatha Christie’s books on it, narrated (partly) by none other than David Suchet and/or Hugh Fraser! So, I instantly picked the next Agatha Christie in my Agatha Christie Perpetual Reading Challenge list, that is Sad Cypress, sat comfortably on my chair, and tapped ‘Listen Now’. It was wonderful!!
A week before, I happened to discuss about audiobook with JoAnn, and she suggested that I pick a familiar book, or one that I loved. She also mentioned that I could adjust the speed, lower or faster. Now that’s a thing I wouldn’t have known! So, thanks partly to JoAnn @ Gulfside Musing, I’m now quite an adept beginner to audiobook! I promised myself that I will read more and more audiobook along the years.
And then, I found this perfect reading challenge:
The goal is to find a new love for audios or to outdo yourself by listening to more audios in 2023 than you did in 2022 (I’m the first, of course!). I might be rather ambitious by aiming for Weekend Warrior (I’m getting the hang of this) 5-10 level on my first year, but a challenge is supposed to challenge one, right?
I’ve decided to read Agatha Christie’s novels I’ve intended to read this year, all 5 of them, in audiobook version. I’m so in love with David Suchet right now, he’s not just the perfect Hercule Poirot, but also a wonderful narrator (performer is more appropriate)! The other audiobook I’m excited to read is
Do you often read books in audiobook
Do you have any suggestion for an audiobook-newbie, for whom English is a
second language? Maybe your favorite apps or narrator?
Friday, January 20, 2023
Judging Book by Its Cover: The Woodlanders (Thomas Hardy)
As I scrutinized the portrait, I saw a rebellious, headstrong, dissatisfied face of a young woman looked back at me. And I thought: that's Marty South, the center and most relatable character of The Woodlanders! - more so with her long hair and leaves around her head, which implies someone who spends a lot of time in the forest and is intimate with the nature.
When I first bought this book, I actually disliked the cover art as it looked rather mystical to me (at first sight). But after knowing the real young woman in the portrait, and especially after reading the book, I think it's the perfect cover!
But let's pick two other covers from different editions before we conclude; who knows, we might find a better version, and a new champion!
In the end, I'm satisfied with the cover of my copy, it is the winner!
What about you? Which cover do you like better?
Monday, January 16, 2023
1st Impression on Dandelion Wine by Ray Bradbury
I seldom read the Introduction at the beginning, but I made an exception this time, because Bradbury wrote it so beautifully poetic, and with an interesting title too! Here's a glimpse:
And with that, I knew I'd love this story, which is a reminiscent of his childhood happy memories. Of summer, of being alive - "I'm really alive!" - and, of course, of Dandelion wines he's helped his grandfather in the making. What a lively imagination the twelve years old Douglas Spaulding (or Ray Bradbury) had! - Douglas is Ray Bradbury's middle name, while Spaulding is his father's.
Some excerpts from the book:
On Dandelion:
"A common flower, a weed that
is one sees, yes. But for us, a noble thing, the Dandelion."
On Dandelion wine:
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[source of the picture] |
"The words were summer on the
tongue. Hold summer in your hand, pour summer in a glass, a tiny glass of
course, the smallest tingling sip for children; change the season in your veins
by raising glass to lip and tilting summer in."
What is Dandelion Wine, anyway?
Dandelion wine is a medicinal
drink that also helps you feel buzzed. Dandelions are excellent for digestive
health since they help detoxify the lungs and heart because the dandelion
petals are rich in potassium, vitamins A, B, C, and D. Perhaps this was the
very first wine that was genuinely beneficial to your liver. The taste of
dandelion wine is slightly bitter with a dash of honey-like sweetness. [source]
It'd surely be a refreshing change
after a gloomy Hardy, and so far I've been slowly savouring Bradbury's poetic
narration in a bliss!
Friday, January 13, 2023
Classic Character: Marty South from The Woodlanders (Thomas Hardy)
Marty is pictured as no more than nineteen or twenty years old, but poverty and hard working "had forced the provisional curves of her childhood's face to a premature finality." In every aspect of feminine appearance, "she had but little pretension to beauty, save in one prominent particular - her hair. Its abundance made it almost unmanageable."
To be honest, I admire Marty South. She, who lives in solitude and obscurity, is one of the most courageous female characters I've ever read. Her unrequited love doesn't crush her. She keeps working hard, and she never hates Grace, the woman whom Winterborne loves. When instructed by Grammer Oliver to help in Winterborne's "scheme" to win Grace's heart, Marty silently relents and do what she's expected to.
True, she's a little mean when she
reveals about the "hair chronicle" to Fitzpiers, in the last attempt
to ever win Winterborne. But that's the only moment of her spur
competitiveness, and it's quite understandable. Other than that, Marty proves
to be loyal and persistent in her life. And in the end, those qualities give
her peaceful mind and life improvement - in short, happiness.
Oh Marty, you rightly deserve to
be happy, and I'm so glad of Hardy's ending to this story. It's always about a
woodlander who is true to her heart and land, from the beginning to the end.
Wednesday, January 11, 2023
1st Impression on Rural Hours by Susan Fenimore Cooper
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Painting: Woman Walking on a Forest Trail by Vasily Polenov |
Encouraged by her father, Susan wrote her first novel: Elinor Wyllys; or, The Young Folk of Longbridge, under the pseudonym Amabel Penfeather. It was published in 1845.
Besides a writer, Susan was also, what one might call, an amateur naturalist. She loved to observe nature and rural country life of her village: Cooperstown, New York, during her walks and excursions. It was from her journals on these subject, that Rural Hours was published in 1850, with quite a big success.
“Talking of books, I am in middle of one which pleases me…’Miss Cooper’s Journal of a Naturalist.’ Who is she? She seems a very clever woman & gives a capital account of the battle between our & your weeds”. - [source: Wikipedia]
(Rural Hours was also published as "Journal of a Naturalist").
Rural Hours was even believed to be the inspiration of Thoreau's Walden:
"Rural Hours in particular has been called the first major work of environmental literary nonfiction by an American woman writer, both a source and a rival of Thoreau's Walden" - [source: Wikipedia]
From her very first journal entry (Saturday, March 4th), I was instantly hooked; but it was her entry about birds which completely won my heart. I love birds, though living in a big city don't give me much opportunity to get to know them intimately. I'm contented enough to watch them flying and feeding on the trees outside my apartment window. Fortunately, I have a neighbor who's also a bird lover. Every morning she puts a plate of grains to feed birds around here outside her balcony. The visitors are mostly Old World Sparrows and two or three Black Pigeons. While the smaller one: Estrildid Finches are usually flying around and feeding on the trees. It's hard to see them, but I know where they are from their twittering. Also regular visitors to this area are Zebra Doves with their cute head movements when walking on the ground, and Sooty-headed bulbul with their beautiful singing voices.
Two of my favorite passages so far, are all about birds. I found them interesting mostly because I've never seen nor heard them. I've even checked YouTube videos because I was so curious. It actually added charm to my reading!
"Three large waterfowl also passed along in the same direction; we believed them to be loons; they were in sight only for a moment, owing to the trees above us, but we heard a loud howling cry as they flew past like that of those birds."
"The Dipper must indeed be a very singular bird; instead of swimming on the surface of the water like ducks and geese, or beneath like the loons, or wading along the shores like many of the long-legged coast tribes, it actually runs or flies about at will over gravelly beds of mountain streams."
This would be a very slow read for
me. So exciting to explore the birds and flowers together with Cooper, all through the
four seasons! Will report back my final thoughts in the next few weeks - or
Monday, January 9, 2023
1st Impression on.... A New Blog Feature
I have a certain reading habit, especially when reading from an author new to me or an intriguing book. I usually form my impression based on the first 50-ish pages of the book. If they fail to impress me, then I will, either dump it altogether, or seek further reasons why continuing would be worth it. That's how this new blog feature: 1st Impression on... came to mind.
How it works
When encountering an intriguing or interesting book (or any book when I feel like it), I will write my first impression of the book, as well as (if any) some related background or facts - or even excerpts - which will further influence my reading.
This feature will serve two purposes:
1. To enhance my own reading experience, and a good reminder of its significance, in case I would find some parts of the book tedious.
2. To simplify my final review, so that I need only to jot down my own thoughts/feelings of the book. Any other important background or related facts, I need only to provide a link to the (earlier) feature post.
I might not use this feature for every book, only when I need or like (read: have timeπ) to.
My first post will be of a book I'm reading right now. It's very interesting. Wait for it in a few days!
In the meantime, you might have noticed (or remember?) another blog feature I have started a long while ago: Classic Character (you can see the banner on the sidebar). It's analysis of interesting character(s) from books I've been reading. Tell me if you find some characters you've liked (or disliked)! π
Other new features in this Fanda Classiclit:
* Blogger-Inspired Wishlist
* Judging Book by Its Cover (coming soon)
Thursday, January 5, 2023
Blogger-Inspired Wishlist, Ep. 1: Christmas Edition
Blogger-Inspired Wishlist is a new
feature in Fanda Classiclit, where I post recent additions to my wish list,
which have been inspired by reviews from my fellow bloggers. It includes some
synopsis, as well as some excerpts of the review which have intrigued me,
complete with a link to the blogger's original post.
The first episode is Christmas
edition; I've added three Christmas books to my wish list, ready for next
Christmas reading!
It follows the outrageous
shenanigans of the Herdman siblings, or “the worst kids in the history of the
Ralph, Imogene, Leroy, Claude,
Ollie, and Gladys Herdman are an awful bunch. They set fire to Fred Shoemaker’s
toolshed, blackmailed Wanda Pierce to get her charm bracelet, and smacked Alice
Wendelken across the head. And that’s just the start! When the Herdmans show up
at church for the free snacks and suddenly take over the Christmas pageant, the
other kids are shocked.
It’s obvious that they’re up to no
good. But Christmas magic is all around and the Herdmans, who have never heard
the Christmas story before, start to reimagine it in their own way.
From Joel's review:
"... I read this book in less
than an hour. While it’s quite funny, I found the book to also be a touching
reminder of the true meaning of Christmas."
This would be a delightful and
inspiring read!
A Country Christmas & Other
Christmas Stories by Louisa May Alcott
Inspired by: Joseph @ The Once Lost Wanderer
• Merry Christmas • A
Christmas Dream and How It Came True • Becky's Christmas Dream • Kitty's Class
Day • Rosa's Tale • Tilly's Christmas • The Abbot's Ghost, or Maurice
Treherne's Temptation • What the Bell Saw and Said • A Christmas Turkey, and
How It Came • The Little Red Purse • A Country Christmas
Actually Joseph only read one
short story: A Country Christmas, but I found this collection in Google Play
Book, and thought, why not? It seems a perfect Christmas read!
From Joseph's review:
"She creates interest and
empathy for her characters and paints picturesque visions of the quaint countryside
with mere words:
It was very lovely on the hill, for far as the eye could reach lay the wintry landscape sparkling with the brief beauty of sunshine on virgin snow. Pines sighed overhead, hardy birds flitted to and fro, and in all the trodden spots rose the little spires of evergreen ready for its Christmas duty. Deeper in the wood sounded the measured ring of axes, the crash of falling trees, while the red shirts of the men added color to the scene, and a fresh wind brought the aromatic breath of newly cloven hemlock and pine.
It was very sweet, very poignant, very enjoyable."
Well, how can one not love it already?
A Child's Christmas in Wales by
Dylan Thomas
Inspired by: Robin @ A Fondness of Reading
Originally emerging from a
piece written for radio, the poem was recorded by Thomas in 1952. The story is
an anecdotal retelling of a Christmas from the view of a young child and is a
romanticised version of Christmases past, portraying a nostalgic and simpler
time. It is one of Thomas' most popular works.
From Robin's review:
"I felt like I was sitting by
the fire, being read to, and it made his childhood Christmas memories even more
Sounds delightful! The e-book copy
I've added to my wish list comes with beautiful colorful illustrations too!
So, what do you think of this new
Other blog features that might
also interest you:
* Classic Character
* 1st Impression on... (coming
Monday, January 2, 2023
Some Light Holiday Reads
I've had some fun during holidays, on the last week of 2022: re-reading my childhood favorite: The Adventures of Tintin (a comic book series) by the talented Belgian writer/cartoonist: HergΓ©. It's not just a favorite, the series had shaped me to be the reader I am today. That's why I included it to my Personal Canon.
Anyway, in these re-reads I realized little details I didn't notice back then. I'll give you snapshots from each of the four books I've read:
Seven scientists stole the mummy of an Inca King from Peru. Each of them are 'attacked' by cursed crystal ball to a comatose condition. Professor Calculus (Tournesol in French) is kidnapped by the Peruvians, and it leaves Tintin and Captain Haddock to find and rescue him (to be continued in the sequel: The Prisoners of the Sun).
Interesting points:
1. Snowy's (Milou in French) expression
HergΓ© is well known for his excellent little details, such as Snowy's varied expressions, of which you can write stories just by looking at him. On this one, for instance, it looks like he's saying:
1st pic (after hours on the train): "Yay... we're taking a walk!
2nd pic (10 mins later..): "Aren't we there already? My legs are killing me!"
2. Captain Haddock's fashionable outfits (isn't he a dandy?) Look at this riding outfit; Isn't it rather fantastic for a comic caricature?
Tintin bought Captain Haddock a ship miniature, which turns out to be the exact replica to Captain's ancestor's ship: Unicorn. Tintin found a small manuscript rolled into the mast, which turned out to be one third of a clue to finding secret treasure.
Interesting points:
1. Dupont's (or Dupond?) cane angle is changed between scenes. On 1st scene (right side 1st row) we see that his cane is stuck to a bag's handle and about to carry it over. But on the next scene, the angle changed, which is the normal way to carry a bag by the handle, but impossible for the carrier to absent-mindedly turn his cane that way, while he isn't realized what he's doing. You know what I mean? So, is it a tiny relapse from HergΓ©?....
2. Poor Snowy (Milou) is so unlucky to get into these comical 'accidents'... so hilarious and made me laugh every time.
Tintin, Captain Haddock, and Calculus were incidentally involved in their friend's General Alcazar's revolotion in South America.
Interesting points:
1. Tintin is riding motorcycle!
2. And this is probably the only time he donned a pair of jeans!
3. Another of Captain Haddock fashionable outfit.
Professor Calculus invented an ultrasonic glass-destroyer machine. Borduria and Syldavia both want to get it by kidnapping Calculus, while his two friends: Tintin and Captain Haddock race with time to rescue him.
Interesting points:
1. Again, Captain Haddock's styles. This time, a countryside gentleman taking a stroll on a peaceful afternoon. The other is his casual style, with buttoned-down shirt, a shawl, and a leather belt. Great style, Monsieur HergΓ©!
The 1st one is outside Marlinspike Hall (Haddock's property), when news about mysterious broken glasses has become public. Do you see the boy scout? The lollipop seller, ice cream stall, the tent whose occupant is just waking up in pajama!? And the family picnic.. the father and mother are quarreling about the food - what do you think happened? Is his burger undercooked? π
Of those four, the last one is my favorite. Clever plot, hilarious comical scene with fabulously drawn pictures, and don't forget that scene of the infamous sticky bandage incident - that's probably the most hilarious of all the comic series!! I've seen it many-many times, and it always makes me laughing out loud!
Believe me, The Adventures of Tintin are always a perfect choice for fun holiday reads! π
How's your holiday reads? What books did you choose? Were you having fun?