Monday, April 29, 2024

The Mystery of the Burnt Cottage (1943) by Enid Blyton: The Five Find-Outers #1

🔥 Every now and then I always allow myself to a nostalgic reading. Enid Blyton's The Five Find-Outers is one of my earlier introduction to novels. Her Famous Five is probably the more well-known series, but I think I like The Five Find-Outers (and a Dog) a little better, as this series involves more mystery than adventure.

🔥 This one is the first in the series, where we are first introduced to Larry and Daisy, Pip and Bets - four teenager (age around eleven and thirteen, Bets is the younger - ten, perhaps?) live in Peterswood village. One night as they are watching their neighbor's cottage burnt down, they meet a rather smug boy who has just moved to the neighborhood with his parents. His name is Frederick Algernon Trotteville, but they nickname him Fatty - not body shaming the rotund boy, but it is derived from his initial (F-A-T). They don't really like the boy who's too much into himself, but they like his little dog Buster. So, they welcome Fatty into the group.

🔥 The burnt cottage belongs to a Mr. Hick, a kind of scientist, who claims that he lost his most precious papers during the fire. People begin to talk that someone burned that cottage on purpose. Fatty happened to notice a tramp hanging around Mr. Hick's garden the night of the fire. Was he the perpetrator? The children decide to play detective and investigate. They call their club the Five Find-Outers and Dog.

🔥 It's delightful to follow the five children's enviable lives; with freedom to spend their days outside school, doing chores, and meals. They usually gather at Pip and Bets' place to discuss any progress on the investigation and to decide their next steps. It's ranging from finding clues to interviewing suspects. But they must solve the mystery quickly before the local police (whom they nickname Clear Orf - his favorite phrase when seeing children around) beats them.

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Friday, April 26, 2024

3rd Reading of Germinal by Émile Zola #Zoladdiction2024

❤ Time and again I have mentioned that Germinal is my all time favorite book. I haven't yet found any other which is as compelling and eloquently written as this Zola's chef-d'œuvre - magnum opus. This was my third read (listen, actually) of it, and I still hold on to my conviction, that Germinal is the most magnificent work I've ever read.

❤ Germinal is about the life and struggles of mining workers in a small town of Montsou, where Étienne Lantier (offspring of the Macquart line, with history of drunkards in the family), is looking for a job. He serves as the outsider's point of view of the local struggles (this is Zola's usual trope - a newcomer who changes or stirs the existing ground). Germinal has quite many facets of the story, the social injustice towards the working class; their hatred to the bourgeoisie; the struggles of the bourgeoisie - sandwiched between their inferior and superior of the "bosses" in Paris. It also touches on the socialism dream, and, of course, Zola's pet topic: naturalism.

❤ The strong point of Germinal lays in, as are with Zola's other books, his vivid narration of the landscape. You'd feel suffocated just by reading about the condition in the coal mine, hundred meters below the earth, which Zola brought to life through his magnificent research and detailed description. Another strong point is the eloquent prose with which he told this drama of human nature with its raw emotion. You'd feel the characters' anguish as if you are their kin.

❤ I think Germinal is one book that has to be read, not listened to. Either the audiobook I listened to uses edition with less qualified translation, or Zola's words are more eloquent read inside my head, rather than narrated. I don't blame the narrator, though, Leighton Pugh do a great job. I have listened to his narrating The Ladies Paradise, and really liked it. Germinal is just too eloquent to be narrated, that's what I think. Other than that, I think I wasn't supposed to read this book during my current mental condition. It conveys a huge amount of sorrows and helplessness (though with a little sparks of hope of brighter future in the end), and now just isn't a good time to read about these dark elements. Thus, I decided to give Germinal a rest for at least five or ten years before taking it again for the fourth time. Or maybe.... a great book is supposed to be read not more than twice, to preserve its magnificent quality? I don't know... 

Read this book for:

Monday, April 22, 2024

Have You Got Everything You Want? by Agatha Christie #AgathaChristieSS24

💎 A recently-married young wife is on board the Orient Express to Constantinople to join her husband, who had been there some days before. She recognizes a man whose name is familiar to her from The Times ad she often notices: 'Are you happy? If not, consult Mr. Parker Pyne.' Well, Elsie is unhappy right now, so she consults Parker Pyne.

💎 A week before her husband left for Constantinople, Elsie found on the blotting paper few lines of her husband's writing: 'wife', 'Simplon Express', and the most curious one: 'just before Venice would be the best time'. Elsie is naturally worried, and Parker Pyne takes the matter in his hand.

💎 Near Venice, a little incident happens, and during the confusion, Elsie's jewelries were stolen. A Slavic woman is their suspect, but they find nothing on her. Where the jewelry could have been? At one point Elsie can't trust Mr. Pyne any longer as he didn't deliver what he had promised. But Parker Pyne proofs he's a good detective besides his skill of making people happy.

💎 It is a light story, and the perpetrator isn't hard to guess. Nonetheless, it's an entertaining piece of story with a bit of cuteness. I guess that's what makes every Christie's a comfort read for me. It's not just about the mystery (and they are usually simple-clever), but Christie seems to always promote love as the greatest mystery of human being. And she delivers them with a humorous cheekiness. ❤

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Friday, April 19, 2024

How Do You Live? by Genzaburo Yoshino #1937Club

🖤 Genzaburo Yoshino was graduated from college in the 1920s with a degree in philosophy, but his interest was soon shifted to politics. In 1925, Japan passed the Public Security Preservation Law, forbidding its people to say or write anything critical to the government. Yoshino was arrested and imprisoned for eighteen months after attending political meetings with socialists. After being released, a friend offered him a job of editing ethics textbook series for younger readers, to teach them the importance of free and rich culture to human progress. Yoshino thought such books would bored young readers, so they came up with the idea of writing it as a novel instead. How Do We Live? is the end result.

🖤 The story is about a fifteenth year-old boy called Honda Jun'ichi, but nicknamed Copper. It's an interesting story how Jun'ichi got this nickname. His father died two years before, and his last wish was that Copper would grow into a good human being. So, Copper's uncle begins to guide and advice him. They become very intimate and inseparable.

🖤 One day Copper and his Uncle are on top roof of Ginza, looking down on the busy street of Tokyo. At that moment Copper realized how tiny his existence was, just like a single molecule within the wide world. And that's when his Uncle starts writing a letter-like notes to Copper in a notebook. His topic ranges from science (Coppernicus - that's whom Copper got his nickname from), philosophy, ethics, to culture (Buddhism) and history (Napoleon).

🖤 Through out the story, we are presented alternately with Copper's struggles at school, as well his impressions of human beings; and with the Uncle's long notes on various topics accordingly to what Copper has faced or shared to him about. Inspiring and reflective though they are, I think these lectures could have been too long-winded, if they were addressed to young readers. My favorite part is when Copper befriends a poor boy, whose family own a tofu shop. Well, not so poor as they have few employers, but is considered poor compared to the wealthy families the boy is in school with. I just wondered why the poor family chose this school for the boy in the first place. Anyway, it provides a nice education for Copper. Another one is one of Copper's friends is bullied, and how Copper, when the moment come when he should've stood up for his friend, failed to do so, and it tormented poor Copper. What a huge learning he got from that experience, what with his understanding mother and intelligent uncle! 

🖤 All in all, it's a gem from bygones that I'm very glad to have found, thanks to the 1937 Club! Speaking of 1937, it's refreshing to be able to take a journey to Japan in that era. I would love to seeing newsreel film at the theater, like what Copper and his uncle do for leisure.

A few wonderful quotes:

"A heroic spirit that's not devoted to human progress may be empty and meaningless, but goodness that is lacking in the spirit of heroism is often empty as well."

" When you have made a mistake, to recognize it bravely and to suffer for it is something that in all if heaven and earth, only humans can do."

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Read this book for:

hosted by Simon @ Stuck in a Book & Karen @ Kaggsy's Bookish Ramblings

Thursday, April 18, 2024

The Classics Club Spin #37

I am almost completing my annual task of tax reporting at work, and I think I deserve some excitement, that is…. The Classics Club Spin! I will allow the Spin to decide which book I will read for May. But first…

What is Classics Spin?
It’s easy. At your blog, before next Sunday 21st April, 2024 create a post that lists twenty books of your choice that remain “to be read” on your Classics Club list. This is your Spin List. You have to read one of these twenty books by the end of the spin period. On Sunday 21th, April we’ll post a number from 1 through 20. The challenge is to read whatever book falls under that number on your Spin List by the 2nd June, 2024.

My list:

--UPDATE: I'll be reading: Stormy, Misty's Foal-- 

  1. A Room with a View (E.M. Forster) – DNF several years ago, just because I was not 1n the right mood.
  2. Frenchman’s Creek (Daphne du Maurier) – planning to read for Daphne du Maurier Reading Week (if happening).
  3. Lucy Gayheart (Willa Cather) – I used to do a personal Willa Cather reading month, and been meaning to start again this year.
  4. The Cornish Coast Murder (John Bude) – planning to read for A Century of Books, year 1935.
  5. Queen Lucia (E.F. Benson)
  6. Cranford (Elizabeth Gaskell)
  7. The Duchess of Bloomsbury Street (Helene Hanff)
  8. Stormy, Misty's Foal (Marguerite Henry)
  9. Cold Comfort Farm (Stella Gibbon)
  10. The Enchanted Barn (Grace Livingston Hill)
  11. From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler (E.L. Konigsburg)
  12. Cider with Rosie (Laurie Lee)
  13. Miss Marjoribanks (Mrs. Oliphant)
  14. Excellent Women (Barbara Pym)
  15. The Nine Tailors (Dorothy L. Sayer)
  16. Rhododendron Pie (Margery Sharp)
  17. The Black Arrow (Robert Louis Stevenson)
  18. The Reef (Edith Wharton)
  19. A Woman of No Importance (Oscar Wilde)
  20. Maltese Falcon (Dashiel Hammet)

Spot a favorite or two? Which ones do you hope the Spin pick for me? I’m hoping for no. 2 and 4, but any book will be nice!

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Bats in the Belfry by E.C.R. Lorac #1937Club

🦇 I am familiar with English idiom of "bee in the bonnet", but "bats in the belfry" is a new one that I got to know only from this title by E.C.R. Lorac. It's the 12th book of Chief Inspector Robert Macdonald - a police figure of my favorite from Golden Age detectives.

🦇 Bruce Attleton, once a successful writer, but is now struggling, is missing from his house. Two of his guests at dinner party where he was last seen try to take the matter in their own hand. They suspect a man called Debrette who must be behind it, most probably a blackmailer.

🦇 Their investigation brought them to The Belfry - an old dilapidated building with a tower, where Debrette is said to stay. It's a spooky old house, but few days later Debrette, too, vanished. The amateur sleuths found Attleton's suitcase with his passport inside The Belfry. At that point, they involved the police, and... enter Robert Macdonald. The thorough searching resulted in the finding of a mutilated corpse inside the wall. Whose was it? Attleton? Debrette? Did the one murdered the other?

🦇 This is my third Lorac so far, and I think it's going to be my favorite. A spooky house, an over-zealous amateur sleuth in Robert Grenvile, a cute love story, identity confusion, and an intricate plot that leaves us guessing until near the end. Even MacDonald wasn't so sure of who commits the murder until the murderer was forced to make a desperate move.

🦇 All in all, this book possesses every aspect of a great and highly entertaining crime story. The presence of youngsters in the center of the mystery: Robert Grenvile (who wants to marry Attleton's ward), Elizabeth Leigh (the ward), and Neil Rockingham added a refreshing charm that melted even Robert MacDonald's usual formal manner, that he becomes more charming and less serious in this story.


Read this book for:

hosted by Simon @ Stuck in a Book & Karen @ Kaggsy's Bookish Ramblings

Monday, April 15, 2024

Vintage Murder by Ngaio Marsh #1937Club

🍾 I know I have read Ngaio Marsh years ago in high school, but can't remember which one or how many, so I shall count this as my first introduction to Roderick Alleyn. The Chief Inspector is on holiday, and happens to be travelling on the same train with a theater company on their way to perform in New Zealand. Alleyn soon befriends some the theater members, though only reveals his true identity as Scotland Yard officer to Albert Meyer, owner of the company: Incorporated Playhouses.

🍾 Mysterious things start to happen on board the train: Meyer was nearly murdered after allegedly being pushed off the train. Then one of the female actresses lost her money. But things got really beyond control after their successful first night performance. Meyer wanted to surprise his wife, the famous actress Carolyn Decres, on her birthday, by a theatrical trope of a huge bottle of champagne falling down from the ceiling after she pulling down a rope. Well, she pulled the rope, but the huge bottle hit Meyer on the head instead, and killed him.

🍾 The incident happened, no doubt, because someone who knew about the arrangement - and everyone knew and were involved in it except Carolyn - had tinkered the contraption just before the party started. Who had opportunity and motive? Alleyn cooperates with local policemen to investigate.

🍾 This is a delightful old school Golden Age crime fiction involving a series of interviews, checking on alibis, and the intricately calculated plot. Part of the delight is the 1930s behind-the-stage theatrical life atmosphere which added a unique charm to this story. The company was inspired by the similar theater company Marsh had joined herself, and that's how it felt real.

🍾 I also loved the cultural touch of Māori in this story. One important clue is a tiki - a tiny statue with human images carved into wood, bone, stone, or other material - that Alleyn gifted to Carolyn Decres for her birthday. And a Māori Doctor is a prominent figure in this mystery. Allen's confusion of the local slang used by the police is quite hilarious and reminds us that the crime is happening in New Zealand.

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Read the book for:

hosted by Simon @ Stuck in a Book & Karen @ Kaggsy's Bookish Ramblings

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Preparing for the #1937Club

I am very refreshed today after a week of holiday, which I spent mostly with preparing for the upcoming #1937Club, hosted by Simon @ Stuck in a Book and Karen @ Kaggsy's Bookish Ramblings. I have read the three books I was intended to read, and am now finishing review of the last one. Next week will be super tight for me, so it's better to settle everything by this weekend.

1937 was a glorious era for Golden Age Detective writers, there are so many titles to choose from, that I ended up reading two. The other one is an Asian middle-grade classic. I won't reveal the titles now, just wait till my reviews published!

Meanwhile, I will share books published in 1937 that I have read so far:

Golden Age Crime Fiction:
Three are from Agatha Christie: Death in the NileDumb Witness, and Incredible Theft. The other is from J. Jefferson Farjeon: Mystery in White.

- The Hobbit (J.R.R. Tolkien)
- Of Mice and Men (John Steinbeck)
- To Have and Have Not (Ernest Hemingway)
Jane of Lantern Hill (L.M. Montgomery)
- The Turn of the Screw (Henry James)

Graphic Novel:
The Broken Ear (Adventures of Tintin #6)

Will you join #1937Club? What will you be reading?

Friday, April 12, 2024

The Miller's Daughter and Captain Burle by Émile Zola #Zoladdiction2024

Starting this year I will try to read more of Zola's short stories, as I have read all but one of the Rougon-Macquart series. For #Zoladdiction2024 I have read two stories, with mixed outcome.


🔷️ This one is set in a small French village of Rocreuse during the Franco-Prussian War in 1870. Pere Merlier, the miller, is the mayor. He owns a picturesque Mill which he loves almost as much as his love for his daughter, Françoise. When the German troops entered their village, the French army picked the Mill as their fortress. It breaks Pere Merlier's heart while his beloved mill received shots after shots. Françoise' fiance, Dominique, is not a French; he came from Belgium. But he shoots the German to protect Françoise, and that's why the German captured him to be executed. I won't tell you the end, but it's quite suspenseful.

🔷️ But what made me fell in love with this story is Zola picturesque description of the Mill and its surrounding. I imagine he really found that beautiful corner, and captured it just as a painter would paint it, Zola painted it using his pen as brush. And he presented that artful and poignant suspenseful story in just 40-ish pages. Just amazing! Writers... that's how you do a short story!

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐


🔷️ Compared to the above first story, this one is, unfortunately, rather flat though quite interesting, and of a different vibe. Captain Burle had had a brilliant military career before he resigned to do administration job as a Quartermaster. But one thing never changes, his nickname is "Petticoat Burle" and women is his weakness.

🔷️ Major Laguitte has served under Captain Burle and maintained a friendly terms with the family. He witnessed how the Captain was more and more captivated by the widowed owner of a "cafe". Then one day he found discrepancies in the Captain's bookkeeping. And that would be the downfall of the honor of the family's name as well as the army's. Something must be done, but what?

🔷️ This story talks about respect, honor, dignity, and friendship; expectation as well as disappointment. Madame Burle, who had high expectation of her son to marv on military career, was hugely disappointed, and so she put her efforts into making her grandson Charles - a tender child - to be what his father failed. Poor Charles! I really admired Laguitte's loyalty to the Burles. And Zola really excelled in manipulating emotions in each character. Not a bad story, but not as poignant as I have expected.

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐1/2

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

The Tragedy at Marsdon Manor by Agatha Christie #AgathaChristieSS24

🔫 Poirot was asked to investigate the death of a Mr. Maltraverse, who had bought a life insurance policy for a huge amount only two weeks ago. He was found dead in the grounds of his house, Marsdon Manor, with a rook rifle near his body. Cause of death from the doctor is of internal hemorrhage.

🔫 Poirot and Hastings then interview the local doctor, Mrs. Maltraverse, and a young soldier who had visited the Manor few days later. From them Poirot found a discrepancy, upon which to build his case. Was it death by natural cause, or suicide? Or worse, could it's been murder?

🔫 Despite of the rather dry premise, I actually enjoyed this story. I could guess how it had happened, though narrowly missed to guess the perpetrator. It's a simple plot, but without Poirot's brilliant deduction and knowledge of human psychology, it would take longer to solve the mystery. The way of denouement is very clever on Poirot's side. And as usual, Hastings is conveniently there solely to guide us, readers, to wrong conclusion. If you ignore him, you would get nearer to the truth!

🔫 Regardless of that, I still love the dear old Hastings, because when he's around, the story becomes more charming. And I always cherish Poirot-Hastings hilarious banter like this one:

"And what do you think of Dr. Bernard, Hastings?"
"Rather an old ass."
"Exactly. Your judgements of character are always profound, my friend."
I glanced at him uneasily, but he seemed perfectly serious. A twinkle, however, came into his eye, and he added slyly:
"That is to say, when there is no question of a beautiful woman!"
I looked at him coldly.

🔫 It's a banter like this that makes Hastings one of my favorite sidekicks, though he is a terribly unreliable narrator!

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Monday, April 8, 2024

The Club Dumas (1993) by Arturo Pérez-Reverte

📚 I must thank Simon @ Stuck in a Book who inspired me to challenge myself in A Century of Books, without which I wouldn't have found, let alone read, this book, first published in 1993. It's a book-about-books, so I thought there's a fat chance I would like it. And, it's about Alexandre Dumas too, one author I always admire for his brilliant story writing. Plus, it's available on Everand (previously Scribd), where I mostly read e-books or listening audiobooks from.

📚 The Club Dumas is a literary mystery-thriller in the antiquarian bookish world, set in Spain. Our literary detective is Lucas Corso, a middle-aged book mercenary whose job is to hunt down rare editions for wealthy bibliophiles. When a book collector was found dead hanging from the ceiling, a part of handwritten manuscript of The Three Musketeers was on the floor nearby. Corso, who's hired to investigate its authenticity, seemed to be plunged into Dumas' fictional books, where he meets vilain characters such as Milady and Rochefort.

📚 Paralel to that, another client hired him to find rare editions of an occultist book, The Nine Doors (fictional), which is believed to contain instructions to summon Satan! There are three editions left in the world, which led Corso to dangerous adventures in Toledo, Prague, and Venice, while a beautiful young girl who insists to be called Irene Adler (from Sherlock Holmes' universe) follows him everywhere as his guardian. Is she an ardent lover or a mysterious enemy?

📚 Any bookish person, especially those who adore classics, would be thrilled to read this book. There are many mentions of great works, besides those of Dumas, such as Moby Dick (Lucas and his friend called themselves The Brotherhood of Nantucket Harpooners), Sherlock Holmes (Irene Adler's address in her passport is 221B Baker Street), and many more. If you are fan of Dumas, this is a book you'll definitely enjoy.

📚 But if you love books, art, and puzzling mystery, this book will make you happy, regardless of the Dumas effect. The occultist book, The Nine Doors, contained nine paintings, which Corso found slightly different in each original edition he investigated. It's like "find five differences in this picture" kind of game. And the paintings are quite lovely.

📚 The story itself is engaging and fast-paced. You'll feel that there are two parallel mystery, the Dumas and The Nine Doors, and it leaves you wondering whether the two are separate cases or one complex case? Because aspects of the one often appear in the other. The truth is quite unpredictable, and, in a way, rather underwhelming. This book is also nostalgic; bringing me back to the 1990s, when floppy disks are used to save data. It reminds me of our family's first computer. The thriller isn't perhaps really my cup of tea, but I cherished the 1990s atmosphere it brings!

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐

Friday, April 5, 2024

The Owl Prowl Mystery (2024) by Diana Renn

Thanks to Regal House Publishing and NetGalley for providing me review copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

🦉 Backyard Rangers is a group of four middle grade students who has concern for wildlife protections. After rescuing turtles in the previous adventure, now they are back with another fun project involving owls.

🦉 Bella is the new celebrity barred owl in Marsh Hollow, where the kids live. Birdwatchers and wildlife photographers from neighboring towns come rushing to meet the super friendly owl who, so friendly it seems to be, that it often appears near human beings apparently without fear. But Miles, one of the rangers, found clues which led them to believe that someone has actually baited the owls - a practice which endangered them. It is now up to these four kids to bring the crime into spotlight, and save the owls' wildlife future.

🦉 As I love birds, lately I've been trying to read more books about birds. So, when I saw this title in NetGalley, I knew I have to read it. And it pays off - it's a fun wildlife adventure/mystery to read. Hopefully more fiction under this eco-mystery genre would be published in the future, especially for middle-grader. It's a good way to promote love for nature in younger age.

🦉 The birds, birdwatching, and everything around birding are aplenty in this novel, but they're not all. There's the real personal struggle in each character, to balance with their eco-sleuthing. Their studies is one thing, but there are mentions of health problem (Delaney suffers from scoliosis), personal disability (Miles with his ADHD), family problem, and others.

🦉 Other than wildlife conservation idea, this book also warns us that appearances can be misleading - in animals as well as human beings. I think this adventure gives Miles and co. the foundation to be better eco-sleuths in the future. Will there be a third book? Please say yes, Diana! Meanwhile, I'll try to get a copy for the first!🦉

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐1/2

**The Owl Prowl will be published in 13 August 2024**

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Agatha Christie Short Stories 2024: APRIL #AgathaChristieSS24

How have your #AgathaChristieSS24 so far? I am enjoying mine. Reading short stories as standalones is well worth it! But now we are in the second third of our journey. Here are two stories we are going to read:


Boarding the Orient Express at the Gare de Lyon, a young woman discovers the presence of the detective Parker Pyne on the train, who is there to solve a jewel robbery that hasn’t happened yet. She thinks she might know the intended victim…

Published in 1934, this story first appeared in the US in Cosmopolitan magazine, and later in the collection of short stories, Parker Pyne Investigates. One interesting fact about this story is that Parker Pyne seems to become Poirot's shadow. Like Poirot, Pyne travels down the Nile and encountered murder. He's travelling on the Orient Express, meeting people in crisis, and even collaborating with Ariadne Oliver to solve the mystery. Not mentioning the appearance of another figure who usually appears in Poirot's stories...


Elderly Mr Maltravers is found dead in a field, with his grieving wife claiming it has been natural causes. But as he recently took out life insurance, the company bring in Poirot to establish if it was suicide. The story was first published in 1924 as a book in the collection Poirot Investigates by Bodley Head.

Which one are you more excited to read? I think I will read the Poirot first, as it sounds rather boring. Then end it with the seemingly more fun Parker Pyne. What about you? ;)

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Zoladdiction 2024 Master Post #Zoladdiction2024

Today, April the 2nd, we are celebrating the birthday of one of the greatest French authors in 19th century: Émile Zola, by kicking of Zoladdiction 2024! Bon anniversaire, Monsieur Zola!

We will read and post about Zola and Zola's works the whole month. This time I don't have time to prepare a linky, so please leave a comment with your links below this post. Don't forget to use hashtag #Zoladdiction2024 to share it in social media. I will post a wrap up at the end of the month or early next month, and will include your posts, so please make sure you share them to me.

Now let's grab our book, read, enjoy, and share!

Monday, April 1, 2024

#MurderEveryMonday: Mysteries with "April", "Fool", or Pranks

Murder Every Monday
was created by Kate @ Crossexamining Crime and @ArmchairSleuth. Put simply, the plan is for readers to take a photo of a crime fiction book (novel or short story collection) which meets a given week’s theme criteria and to then share it online, using the hashtag #MurderEveryMonday.

This week's theme is:

Crime fiction which includes the words ‘April’ or ‘Fool’ in the title or cover which shows a joke or a prank

The first book has both "April" and Fool" in the title, while the second has only the "Fool". But the third has neither of words nor the cover showing a prank. However, a prank is in the plot - a prank gone wrong, which becomes the method of the murder.

Have your read any of them? Which cover(s) do you like most?

If you want to participate, here's the list of the weekly theme: