Friday, March 24, 2023

The In and Out Book Tag

Young Woman Reading a Book, Aleksandr Deineka, 1934

I first saw this bookish tag at @Brona's Book (This Reading Life) some time ago, and thought it fun to do. So, here it is..

Reading the Last Page First: OUT
Though I sometimes browsed Wikipedia to know how a story or a character would end, I never read the last page before getting at the end.

Enemies to Lovers: IN
It's a cliche, I know, but I still love it!😁

Dream Sequences: OUT
It often confuses me whether a scene is really happening or just in a dream.

Love Triangles: IN
It adds the complication, isn't it?

Cracked Spines: OUT
It would be hard to hold the book conveniently.

Back to My Small Town: IN
I have no complaint as long as it's necessary for the story.

No Paragraph Breaks: OUT!
A big no-no.

Multi-generational Sagas: IN
My favorite is Steinbeck's East of Eden.

Monsters Are Regular People: OUT
I'm no fan of fantasy.

Re-Reading: IN
I love re-visiting old favorites!

Artificial Intelligence: OUT
Nothing artificial, please! 

Drop Caps: IN
It looks beautiful, so why not?

Happy Endings: IN
If not real happiness, at least a hopeful one!

Plot Points That Only Converge at the End: IN
Isn't that the point of a novel?

Detailed Magic Systems: OUT
Again, no big fans of fantasy

Classic Fantasy Races: OUT
For same reason as above.

Unreliable Narrators: IN
We have a chance to figure the story out ourselves, or perhaps when the writer wants to emphasize a point.

Evil Protagonists: OUT
I would hate the story as well.

The Chosen One: IN
I love Harry Potter, at least 😉

When the Protagonist Dies: OUT
I love happy ending!

Really Long Chapters: IN
The sentences are more crucial.

French Flaps: IN
They are often charming, and I just need to put it down while reading.

Deckled Edges: IN
They look vintage.

Signed Copies by the Author: IN
Though reading mostly classics make it impossible...

Dog-Earing Pages: IN
I do it all the time!

Chapter Titles Instead of Numbers: IN
I rarely read them anyway 😋

That's it. If you wish to do it too, consider yourself tagged!



  1. This is a fun one. I think I might have to do it myself ...probably not until April though. Thanks for the idea! And I loved reading all your answers. I agree with you on about half. ;D

  2. I think my answers would be mostly OUT. French flaps, unreliable narrators and Multi-generational Sagas are definite INs

    1. French flaps are adorable, right? And multi generational sagas provide fully entertaining stories!

  3. I'll have a go at this too at some stage. Looks like fun!


What do you think?