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Pequod', Used in the Film 'Moby Dick', c.1954
by Jack
The whale’s anatomy
(part 2 – the 1st part is in the previous chapter post)
After being
killed, a whale’s body would be slain. Its head would be hung on the side of
the ship. One remarkable aspect of sperm whale is how it can live both at
equator and at the pole with the same lungs and warm blood as in human being.
It is because the nature provides it with thick ‘blanket’ as skin, which is
called ‘blubber’. The more interesting analysis is about sperm whales
head—which is more noble than the right whale’s—and its eyes, which are located
on both sides of the head, instead of on the front.
One aspect
of sperm whales that nobody knows, is the substance of its spout; is it water
or vapor? As sperm whale’s outer skin is poisonous, men cannot touch it to
investigate, and so it remains a mystery. But Ishmael believed it’s vapor,
which signified with deep thoughts, and thus makes sperm whale a profound being
:D. He also thought sperm whale is the most devoted animal because of its ‘fluke’
One very
important article comes from sperm whale is ambergris, a waxy and highly
fragrant substance used in perfumery and other cosmetics products. It is
actually produced from the bowels of a whale with dyspepsia!
The noble creatures
that are treated barbarianishly
hunting used to be much more honorable in the past when they treated whales as
noble creature. Now they were cruelly slain after being caught. The Pequod met
a blind whale one day; this too was killed cruelly by Stubb. Ishmael also
criticized the use of lance pitch-poling, which produced an even crueler effect
to whales than harpoons. Stubb could even made jokes about the poor whale while
it was slowly dying.
One day The
Pequod met a herd of whales which swam in a giant circle. Ishmael’s boat was
carried away into the centre of the circle; where he saw an amazingly calm
group of young and nursing female whales with their babies. It was an amazing
sight, but then one wounded whale entered the circle and replaced the calmness
with panic moves, from which the boat could narrowly escape at the end.
The dark ‘superstitious’
of whale hunting
The Pequod
met another whaling ship—Jerobeam—whose passenger was a lunatic man who
believed himself as the incarnation of Gabriel the Archangel. He prophesied
once that hunting and killing Moby Dick would be doomed as it was the Shaker
God incarnated. And the prophecy came true, as a mate was killed while the
Jerobeam was hunting Moby Dick.
Though not
its assignment, Captain Ahab instructed his men to hunt a Right Whale too. It
turned out later that Ahab—of Fedallah’s advice—wanted to hung its head on the
opposite side of the sperm whale’s to ‘protect’ the ship.
My random thoughts
In many
occasions, Melville has explained about the nobleness in whales, especially
Sperm Whales. Now the question is, can killing a whale be justified by our
conscience? In an occasion the Pequod hunted a blind whale—quite a pitiable
view—and killed it. Look at how Melville described about it:
“For all his old age, and his one arm, and
his blind eyes, he must die the death and be murdered, in order to light the
gay bridals and other merry-makings of men, and also to illuminate the solemn
churches that preach unconditional inoffensiveness by all to all.”
Is killing
an animal is really wrong, then, while we can utilize its organs for our daily
lives? Didn’t God create them for our needs? Why killing a whale is brutal
while killing a cow isn’t? Why eating whale’s meat means cannibalism while
eating a cow’s isn’t? I think, to answer these questions did Melville wrote
this book, well….one of his purposes. I believe the only answer we can get is
our own conscience. When we kill the animals to feed ourselves, it’s natural;
but killing them for enriching us, or for putting the blame of our misfortune,
that is a murder! Why killing a blind-pitiable whale is right for someone
(Flask) but wrong for the other (Starbuck)? Again, it’s all about conscience,
as illuminated by these dialog right after the blindness of the whale be known:
Flask: “A nice spot!
Just let me prick him there once”
Starbuck: “Avast!
There’s no need of that!”
whale’s ambergris is another proof of Melville’s genius in finding deep
philosophy in whaling:
“Now that the
incorruption of this most fragrant ambergris should be found in the heart of
such decay; is this nothing? (….) ..how that we are sown in dishonor, but
raised in glory.”
And isn’t
that how we are in the presence of God? Sinners but redeemed nonetheless to see
His glory.
This is a part of the book I actually liked. :) That last quote is a great one! Loved reading your thoughts; it's really got me thinking. I was never sure if Melville approved of whaling, though Starbuck does, in limitation and for practical reasons.
ReplyDeleteI think Melvile approved of whaling as long as they didn't do it so brutally. The same with Starbuck I think, but he has been a whale man for a long time, maybe he already got used to it. But I'm glad that he opposed Ahab's revenge scheme 'till the end.
DeleteThere is so many ways to study Moby Dick. Yours is an intriguing perspective, esp. that last question!
ReplyDeleteWell, it only proved Melville's genius way of presenting the philosophies through a story about whales. :)