Thursday, December 9, 2021

#AdventReading Day-9: The Christmas Mystery - The Fifth Sheep


Credit: Flora Waycott

When opening door number eight of his Advent calendar, Joachim finds a picture of a man playing a pipe. Consulting the hidden story, it turns out that the piper is Pied Piper of Hamelin. A legend said that a town in Germany called Hamelin had been plagued by rats. The officials hired a rat-catcher - a pied piper (a man in colorful clothed who plays pipe). When he played his pipe, the rats followed him. He led them to the river, where they all drowned. However, the officials broke their promise, and didn't pay him full reward. Enraged, the piper returned to the town, played his pipe, and this time all the children in the town followed him, disappeared, and were never seen again.

Pied Piper of Hamelin - led the rats out of town

Pied Piper of Hamelin - led the children away

The pilgrims are now entering Germany, in the Middle Ages (1304). When they are about to leave Hamelin, a sheep is running towards them, and joins the others... to Betlehem! To Betlehem!

Meanwhile, Joachim accompanies his mother to the market, and lo and behold... who do you think he sees in the flower stall? ;) And when his Mama is wondering how the flower seller can bear to stand there in the middle of cold winter, Joachim's answer is priceless:

"That's because part of the glory of heaven has strayed down to earth."

Of course, he's been quoting from Ephiriel, but still, it'd make you deep in reflection. 

Aren't we all, human beings, carry the "part of the glory of heaven that has strayed down to earth", albeit only the tiniest part?

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