Friday, June 29, 2012

Gone With The Wind Read Along 2012

Gone With The Wind is one of the “scariest” novels for me. No, of course it’s not a scary novel, but the total pages did make me think twice before buying it. Will I make it all the 1448 pages of it? However, being the Pulitzer winning price, Margaret Mitchell’s novel Gone With The Wind is certainly a must-read book. Thanks to The Classics Club Project by Jillian, I found that Bzee (book blogger fellow from Indonesia—like me) also put Gone With The Wind in her list. So, I asked her whether we could read this book together. Then…I have a better idea. Why not hosting a read-along? I think there are many of you who haven’t had chance (or courage J) to read Gone With The Wind, yet so eager or curious to read it, or you have read it but want to re-read it. To read it together is going to be fun!

So, this is it..The Gone With The Wind Read-along 2012 , which will take place from September 1st to November 7th 2012. I will host it, with Bzee as a co-host. These are the details:

The book
The following data is taken from Pocket Books, June 2008 edition, which I will read, but you are free to choose any edition (paperback or e-book):
Total pages: 1448
Total chapters: 63
Total parts: 5
- Part 1: page 3 - 191
- Part 2: page 195 - 397
- Part 3: page 401 - 717
- Part 4: page 722 - 1180
- Part 5: page 1184 - 1448

The participants

This read-along is opened internationally, anyone is welcomed to join. Participant must sign up via comment box in the participant list page. If you want to post about this read-along in your blog, you can add your post URL in comment box of the participants list page. I will update the list periodically, you may join the read-along anytime (even in the middle of read-along schedule), as long as you can catch up to finish the book by November 7th 2012.

It’s not a must, but I would appreciate if you’d grab and put the Gone With The Wind Read-along button in your post. Or if you don’t write any post, you can put it in your sidebar, linking here, to let your followers know about this read-along.

Oh… and for my dear Indonesian fellow bloggers—before you ask the question—yes, you may post in Bahasa Indonesia, but personally I recommend you to post in English, to make it easier for other participants to read your thoughts and have discussions.

The update posts
To read along together with friends is my main purpose of having this event, so I prefer to have some discussion after finishing each part. Therefore I plan to open an update posts page during the read-along where you can share URL of your own update posts. These posts are not mandatory, you can skip it if you don’t have anything to say.

If you only want to say something brief about certain part but do not feel like writing a post, or else you don’t have a blog, you can just make a comment on the “update posts”. With the “reply” button we can have a discussion there as well.

There will be four update posts, for part one to part four, while nearly at the end of read-along I will publish a “reviews page” (there won’t be update post for part 5, we can directly write a review for the whole book).

The giveaway
This is the best part! For you who post your updates in your blog or in comment box, will be able to join my giveaway! Each update post/comment would be counted as one entry, and at the end of read-along, I will pick one (or—hopefully—more) winner. To anyone who would like to host his/her giveaway during this read-along, please feel free to contact me, so I can post about your giveaway in this blog.

Reading schedule?
There won’t be any strict schedule to read certain pages in certain days, everyone can have their own pace. Just feel free to add your link after you finish certain part, anytime. This way participants can check how others are going, or have discussion about certain parts.

The reviews
Please add the URL of your review in the “reviews page” after finishing the novel. The review post is mandatory, but if you don’t have a blog, you can use comment box to write your opinion.

Starting end of last year, I have a habit to post my classics book reviews on the birthday of the authors. It will work also for Mrs. Mitchell, whose birthday is on November 8th. That means we can finish our reading and write the review anytime, but we will publish it only on November 8th as a ‘special gift’ for Mrs. Mitchell.

So…that’s it..let’s conquer those 1448 pages beginning on September 1st 2012! The Participant List is already opened now, you can sign up from today. Welcome aboard Scarlett O’Hara...  J


  1. This is my favorite novel of all time. I hope everyone who joins this loves the read!! :-)

    1. And I'm more curious to this book because you always mentioned this book as your favorite of all time!

  2. Mbak, versi terjemahan bahasa indonesia-nya udah ada belum ya? Aku pengen ikutan soalnya dulu filmnya bagus banget

    1. Sudah ada, hanya stok di Gramedia Sby habis. Coba cek di Gramedia online store-nya, katanya sih ada.

    2. Masih ada di Gramedia Grand City Surabaya.
      Di bagian rak paling atas dekat rak novel-novel fiksi
      *anak SMA komplek yang kerjaannya ke GC*

  3. Like you, I find Gone with the Wind a daunting prospect. So, I m glad that you and Bzee are hosting a readalong! I'm in :)

  4. hi Fanda! i approach this with a bit of trepidation lol.
    i saw the excellent film adaptation years ago and have been meaning to read the book. i bought a copy and sadly the dust bunnies has given it more attention than i did. since i won't be alone in this endeavor, i might as well participate and share in the fun and discussions.
    i'll blog about this event on my new blog aobiblioclassique™ to help spread the word. in the meantime, i'll post the read-along button on my blog's sidebar after i sign up for the event.

    1. Hi...we are glad to have you on board! I have the DVD of the movie, and meant to watch it as soon as I finish the book.

  5. I'm joining in, but I will link up my blog post later.

    I just thought I'd let everyone know that the unabridged audioboook is currently on sale at Audible for $6.95. That's 49 hrs and 7 mins of listening pleasure, LOL! I think this will top the longest audiobook that I've ever listened to!

    1. Hi Darlene, thanks for joining. I'll wait for your link to be added in the list.
      The audiobook is 49 hrs? wow.... But GWTW is indeed top the longest book I've been reading so far.

  6. I'm in! GWTW is on my list for the Classics Club and I think this will be a fun way to read it. I've never done a read-a-long! I have read GWTW but it has been years.


    1. Actually this is my first time to read GWTW, and first time to host a readalong :)

  7. Gosh! I would love to do this one! GWTW is one of my favorite classics. I have way too many books going on for me for September. I'll have to join you on a different read-a-long.

    Have fun!

    (New follower)

  8. Excited to begin reading!! Just posted my intro post on my blog =))

    gone with the wind//classics club

  9. I am excited about this read along. Are there dates when each part should be completed?

    1. No, you can take your own pace, the page for update posts is already opened even now. It's only the final review that should be published at 8th November (Mitchell's birthday), but if you want to publish it before that date, it's your choice too. Happy reading!


What do you think?