I have planned to write a kind of wrap up post of this year's reading, but then I found this book tag by Annabookbel, and I thought it would be much fun (and easier!) way to do it. Here we go...
In high school I was... The
Accomplice (Theodore Boone series by John Grisham) - not reviewed
People might be surprised by...
Whose Body?
I will never be... The Vicar of Wakefield
My life in lockdown was like...
This Side of Paradise (staying at home is a bless-in-disguise for an
My fantasy job is... The Deerslayer
At the end of a long day I need...
One Hundred Years of Solitude
I hate being... Murder(ed) on the Orient Express
Wish I had... The Fortune of the Rougons
My family reunions are... Hard Times
At a party, you'd find me with...
The Belly of Paris (food is my sole entertainment at parties! 🤣)
I've never been to... Dublin(ers)
A happy day include... The Song of the Lark
Motto I live by... Why Didn't They
Ask Evans? (or: when you're not sure, asking is better than assuming)
On my bucket list is... Three Act Tragedy (I've never seen live performance ☹)
In my next life, I want to be...
The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus